The Dating Game: Understanding Price Anchoring by Nathan Allotey || freelance jumpstart podcast Nathan talked about spending too much time with the client but not closing. He came to realize that, rather than giving people a yes/no option of using his services, he would use Price Anchoring to give them a few options to choose […]
I was recently having a problem using React Router where my components would not update properly. Sometimes components can get out of sync with their current locations. I was able to solve this by wrapping my Redux connect function in a withRouter(). Link to article on update blocking.
I have long suffered with migraines. Currently I track my daily migraines on an Excel spreadsheet, but I am going to create my own app to track them using the MERN stack Node, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose on the server. I will develop the client in React. npm init -y to create my package.json file […]