During a recent phone interview I was asked to live-code in Javascript using coderpad.io. I never had to live code for someone before, and it didn’t go great… so I have been working on algorithm coding practice. I’m using coderbyte.com, and I have been going through a YouTube video from Traversy Media (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2bJBuaOeOQ&list=PLillGF-Rfqbb4ZOnsNCIB-DnLuUrQjS_G). One common […]
I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for some time, but didn’t know where to start. I met for coffee with my new friend Joe Moreno today (http://bio.joemoreno.com/). He passed on some advice given to him, which is to use a blog to narrate my work. I already created a WordPress version of my portfolio. […]