Migraine Tracker – Create Frontend

Firstly, I use create-react-app to create my project files.  But then I’ll delete everything in src folder and start from scratch to get the things I want to have in it. In preparation for some packages I’ll need later on, I “yarn add” (same as “npm install”, using yarn the following packages: redux, redux-promise, react-redux, and […] – Javascript Problem

This is an exercise taken from the Javascript: From Fundamentals to Functional course by Bianca Gandolfo on FrontEnd Masters.  The characters are taken from a game of Clue – a murder whodunit… Here I have recreated a map() method in a slightly different way.  Instead of attaching it to the array prototype, I created it […]

_.forEach – Javascript Problem

This is an exercise taken from the Javascript: From Fundamentals to Functional course by Bianca Gandolfo on FrontEnd Masters.  The characters are taken from a game of Clue – a murder whodunit… Here I have recreated a forEach() method in a slightly different way.  Instead of attaching it to the array prototype, I created it […]

Crypto-Tracker Project v. 2.0

I have just finished v. 2.0 of CryptoTracker.  I have the backend server done, and putting the finishing touches on the front-end.  Most of the functionality is there, but I’m still working on formatting. On the home page, I have a chart and graphs that rely on an api call to  Crypto price charting […]