I am working on a finishing up a project from my bootcamp that I didn’t get fully deployed. It is an app to teach people about cryptocurrencies and allow them to track cryptos they are interested in. I am working with a MongoDB backend for storing the cryptos in a person’s list. Here I’m renaming […]
I’m reviewing React state management, which I still find a bit confusing. This exercise comes from Colt Steele’s Advanced Coding Bootcamp on Udemy. The goal of this exercise is to list four instructors and their hobbies, and with a setTimeout of 5000ms, randomly remove one of the instructor’s hobbies. I randomly generate a number of […]
I am doing a review of React on the Colt Steele Advanced Bootcamp program on Udemy. First I create a single component / single file React app. In this instance, I load in the React, ReactDOM, and ReactDOMFactories libraries. I instantiate the MyInfo class on line 15. On lines 17, 18 and 23, I have […]
ES2107 has new methods for handling promises: async & await. Due to the asynchronous nature of Javascript, when I call an api, it will likely return the api data last, even if it is called at the beginning of the code. I’m taking this example from Colt Steele’s Advanced JS Bootcamp on Udemy. Return one movie from OMDB […]