
Migraine Tracker – Create Frontend

Firstly, I use create-react-app to create my project files.  But then I’ll delete everything in src folder and start from scratch to get the things I want to have in it. In preparation for some packages I’ll need later on, I “yarn add” (same as “npm install”, using yarn the following packages: redux, redux-promise, react-redux, and […]

React Router – Update Blocking

I was recently having a problem using React Router where my components would not update properly.  Sometimes components can get out of sync with their current locations.  I was able to solve this by wrapping my Redux connect function in a withRouter(). Link to article on update blocking.

Crypto-Tracker Project v. 2.0

I have just finished v. 2.0 of CryptoTracker.  I have the backend server done, and putting the finishing touches on the front-end.  Most of the functionality is there, but I’m still working on formatting. On the home page, I have a chart and graphs that rely on an api call to  Crypto price charting […]

Warbler Project

I just finished the Warbler (Twitter-like app) project from the Colt Steele/Udemy Advanced Javascript Bootcamp.  I did it so that I could learn enough about authentication and authorization to finish off my site.  I learned a lot, now it is just a matter of getting the crypto site running.  I think it there is […]

React – state

I’m reviewing React state management, which I still find a bit confusing.  This exercise comes from Colt Steele’s Advanced Coding Bootcamp on Udemy.  The goal of this exercise is to list four instructors and their hobbies, and with a setTimeout of 5000ms, randomly remove one of the instructor’s hobbies.  I randomly generate a number of […]

React Review – Creating a Single File / Single Component Page

I am doing a review of React on the Colt Steele Advanced Bootcamp program on Udemy.  First I create a single component / single file React app.  In this instance, I load in the React, ReactDOM, and ReactDOMFactories libraries.  I instantiate the MyInfo class on line 15.  On lines 17, 18 and 23, I have […]