Auto Binding in React / ES6

I was working on a project for my web design course in late 2017, a website for newbie investors to track and learn about cryptocurrencies.  I developed the site in React, so I had to use Javascript ES6 syntax.  I have a method in my App component that would read in the current price of a few cryptos and display them on the home page (  At first I used the normal definition below for my updateData() method:

updateData() {
   console.log('updateData funtion called')
   .then(res => {
     const cryptos =;
     this.setState({ cryptos: cryptos })

I called this method on componentDidMount(), and it worked fine. I also added an “update” button on the form to run updateData() again.  Even though the button called the same updateData() method from inside the same App class, I kept getting an error.

Finally, I figured out that the following would make the button work:

<button onClick={this.updateData.bind(this)}>Update Data</button>

After my “this.updateData”, I had to add .bind(this).  It seems like if I define the method within a class, the method would be automatically bound to “this” of the class. But it doesn’t work that way, so I had to bind upData() to “this” by adding “.bind(this).

However, then one of the TAs in my bootcamp showed me the workaround — *autobinding*.  I love that word; it sounds cool for some reason.  I just used a fat arrow function when I created the method and it automatically bound it to the class.  I only had to change the first line to “updateData = () => {“….

  updateData = () => {
    console.log('updateData funtion called')
      .then(res => {
        const cryptos =;
        this.setState({ cryptos: cryptos })

After this change, I could call the update and leave out the “.bind(this).”

<button onClick={this.updateData)}>Update Data</button>

This is a good article on ES6 autobinding:

I deployed the client side-only version of CryptoTracker here (  In the development environment, we had Google Oauth working with a MongoDB so people could login and store cryptos that they want to track (out of a list of over 2,000). We had trouble deploying the back-end technology. We are still working on that.  Please check it out.



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