I just finished The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele on Udemy. It was a good course, and it helped reinforce things I learned at the UCSD Ext. Coding Bootcamp. It also helped me fill in the gaps on things I hadn’t completely mastered. As our final project in the online Bootcamp, we created a RESTful app using the “MEN” stack – Mongo, Expess, Node. It is called YelpCamp, and is designed as a site for people to post their favorite campgrounds with some notes. It needs some more styling, but I got it deployed to Heroku which is always a challenge. I have found Microsoft Azure much easier to use. I’ve usually been able to deploy on Azure the first time with no problems. There have been times I spent more time trying to deploy to Heroku than I did developing the app. But this time, it went smoothly.
I’m thinking of starting Colt’s Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy. I also just heard about https://hatchcrypto.io – a study course for learning block chain programming that sounds interesting.