Manually Importing Data into MongoDB

I am working on a finishing up a project from my bootcamp that I didn’t get fully deployed.  It is an app to teach people about cryptocurrencies and allow them to track cryptos they are interested in.  I am working with a MongoDB backend for storing the cryptos in a person’s list.  Here I’m renaming […]

React Review – Creating a Single File / Single Component Page

I am doing a review of React on the Colt Steele Advanced Bootcamp program on Udemy.  First I create a single component / single file React app.  In this instance, I load in the React, ReactDOM, and ReactDOMFactories libraries.  I instantiate the MyInfo class on line 15.  On lines 17, 18 and 23, I have […]

Fundamental JS – May 23rd – Array Methods talk

I’m giving a talk tomorrow night (May 23rd) at Fundamental JS on Array methods.  Check out the Fundamental JS Meetup Site for details.  I will cover the following:   What is an array? What is a prototype? I will review four array methods map() forEach() reduce() filter() I will then show how create these methods […]

Javascript – Curry Functions

Wikipedia has the following to say about currying: In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of translating the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments (or a tuple of arguments) into evaluating a sequence of functions, each with a single argument. Currying is related to, but not the same as, partial application. […]

Javascript Problems – Create my own method – myMap()

In this exercise, I will create my own map method – myMap(). According to MDN Developers Network, “The map() method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.” I have used the same sample data and functions as I did for the myForEach problem.  […]

Javascript Problems – Create my own Array.prototype.filter() method – myFilter()

The purpose of this exercise is to create my own Array.prototype.filter() method – myFilter().  On line 2, I add a new myFilter() method, which takes in a function as an argument, to the array object.  I loop through each item in the array that called the method, and on line 6 determine if the function has […]